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7 Ways To Beat Insomnia


Although many people may experience some loss of sleep occasionally, insomnia is the inability to sleep or staying awake most of the night which impaired daily functions. 

It is better to contact your doctor if you have symptoms of insomnia. And avoid using self-medication with sleep-aiding drugs. But there are some healthy ways to beat insomnia.

1. Decrease Number of Naps

While napping might be the right way to make up for lost sleep, it is not always so. It is important to maintain a regular sleep pattern to help the body remember the healthy way to rest well. Sleeping during the day time may reduce the quality of nighttime sleep.

2. Avoid Stimulants

Avoiding stimulants like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine can disrupt the natural sleep pattern and affect the quality of sleep. Caffeine causes not only difficulty in initiating sleep but also may cause frequent awakening, which can be very frustrating. The effect of caffeine can last up to 24 hours.

3. Exercise

Regular and frequent exercise can improve sleep quality and duration. Exercising almost every day can help beat insomnia very effectively. Try to exercise at least 3 hours before going to bed to avoid the stimulant effect of exercise.

4. Eat Early 

Eating dinner early can help beat insomnia as eating can activate the digestive system. This is also helpful if you have GERD or heartburn. Additionally drinking too much water right before bed can also disrupt sleep and cause insomnia because of frequent visits to the bathroom to pee.

5. Keeping Your Bedroom Clean

This includes the temperature, lighting, ventilation, and sound of your bedroom. Your bedroom and bed must feel comfortable enough to make you want to go to sleep.  Also, try using your bed only for sleep, this means avoiding eating on the bed and watching movies all day in your bed.

6. Reduce stress

This might seem obvious but the most common cause of insomnia ins stress. Trying to relax more before bed can help you beat insomnia. There are some ways to reduce stress like doing yoga.

7. Wake Up At The Same Time Everyday

It is tempting to sleep on your weekends after a long week of work. However, if you suffer from insomnia you should try waking up at the same time every day to maintain your body's natural cycle of sleeping pattern.


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